Video Resolution & Widescreen


1.) Install graphic drivers

Download drivers from here. Transfer it to your win3.x image disk with ImDisk.

Click on "Windows Setup" icon.

2.) Enjoy

Choose floppy.

3.) Enjoy

Locate drivers and choose your resolution you want.

4.) Enjoy



Here is some projects about getting screen resolution to 16:9 or 16:10 instead of 4:3. The other way is only to stretch the screen from 4:3 to widescreen, but it looks awefull. I have not yet tested all. But all red means it didn't work. All Green means it works.

Works on 95 and 98:


Add this to the dosbox-x.conf file under [video], this will enable possible to change to widescreen:

allow unusual vesa modes = true
allow high definition vesa modes = true

Extract the files in a folder called "vesa" in drivez and mount it
MOUNT E drivez\vesa

Edit settings:
Go to video settings and adnvanced then add the driver in the 128MB folder.

Change size:
Change the Screen Model to "Super VGA 1600x1200 in Advanced and save, then change the size to 1280 x 720 pixels with the slider Use "High Color (16-bit)" the higher don't work. Restart (Important!!)

DRIVER pack version:
This is not an Official homepage or something like that, only a guide how to install Windows 9x on Dosbox-x.
Please visit their official homepage or github page.
Dosbox-x has better support for programs and operating systems, I have not yet seen a tutorial so I just created this.