WIN 3.x (No IMG) Guide

1.) Download DosBox-x Builds from Github

Download Dosbox-x from their github-page, from here. Some, but not all of the "Important Files" from darktravels homepage.

To this date, DOSBox-X 0.83.3 is the last release.

2.) Download DosBox-x config file

Download the config-file from: github, or copy it from here. Put it in the Dosbox-x folder where your *.exe-file is located.

3.) Extract all files

Extract all the floppy images to one folder and call it WIN3X. Also Create a Folder Called C

4.) Copy location

Locate the files and edit config. Look where the files is located, do this by right click on one of the newly created folders and choose "properties". Copy the location. CTRL+C

5.) Edit config file.

Open dosbox.conf file in notepad or notepad++, to the bottom add this lines, paste your location by CTRL+V. And save.

mount c [your location]\C
mount d
[your location]\WIN31X

6.) Start Dosbox-x and install

Start Dosbox-x, and look so its written "Drive C is mounted as local directory..." and write it should NOT SAY "Mounting C:\ is NOT recommanded", if thats the case you have changed the path or done it wrong.

Write this lines:

install       (and press Enter)

7.) Install

Follow the installation and if path is asked for to install, choose "c:\windows"When done it will restart.

8.) Doubble check so its installed

To see if its installed correctly, write this lines:

dir        (and press Enter)

If its correctly installed you would see a Windows-folder installed.

9.) Last hanging in dosbox config

Open the dosbox.conf file and edit the last part with adding:

cd windows

Dont forgett to save the file.
And if you are moving the folders or the program to another location, fon't forgett to change the path in the config file.

10.)Restart Dosbox-x

Close dosbox-x if its open and open it again. You will now be booting into windows 3.x

11.) Enjoy

Now its done. For extra installations, programs and similar, visit

What I have notice about calmira is that its (well amazing) but have some bugs and is not always stable. Its also very hard to uninstall, so make a backup of the "C" folder where win3X is located if messing around with calmira.

12.) Multi hard disk support.

It also hase multiple hard disk support, so the "D" we created (the installation-files) can not we used to install games or programs on as well. Its also easy to transfer files by simple move them to the folder where Win3X is installed on your computer.

This is not an Official homepage or something like that, only a guide how to install Windows 9x on Dosbox-x.
Please visit their official homepage or github page.
Dosbox-x has better support for programs and operating systems, I have not yet seen a tutorial so I just created this.